Fri Jun 21 2019

The Future of Work - what does it all mean?

At the CIPD Festival of Work, many topics were discussed covering the Future of Work, Talent, Skills & Capabilities, Technology and Learning & Development. This round-up highlights some of the transformations at work we can expect soon.


At the CIPD Festival of Work, many topics were discussed covering the Future of Work, Talent, Skills & Capabilities, Technology and Learning & Development. This round-up highlights some of the transformations at work we can expect soon.

On day one, delegates were treated to an impressive thought-provoking opening of images, videos and keynote presentations to share how the world is changing faster than we can imagine. 

Technology and innovation have influenced the way we work over the last decade. With a shift towards AI, machine learning and automation, the question about the fit between machines and the human touch remains.

In the opening comments, it was presented that 30% of current jobs will be automated in the future and the audience were asked to look to the person on the right and left of them to highlight the fact that 1 in 3 would be out of a job, as we know jobs today.

It was suggested that technology should not be seen as a threat but as an opportunity to make a positive difference.

Transformation at work

We heard how job roles would change, some roles won’t be necessary and how technology can be harnessed to reskill people for roles, we don’t even know about yet – all aimed to remind us that the future of work is human.

Kelly Tollhurst, Minister for Small Business, Consumers and Corporate Responsibility addressed the audience of 2000 delegates that, in the same week as London Tech week that unites tech and talent, we should be optimistic of the transformation of technology at work.

Yes, machines are replacing people, and in the next two decades 1 in 7 jobs will be automated, twice that amount will be affected by the change, not necessarily negative, but change that brings new jobs, better jobs and allows us to re-evaluate the human touch, creativity and emotional intelligence.

The top 3 job roles most likely to be affected by AI and automation are*:

  • Professional and higher technical staff – 28%
  • Managers, administrators and intermediate managerial staff – 20%
  • Semi-skilled and unskilled manual workers – 15%

Kelly continued that the future of work should reflect modern working practices, as identified in the Good Work Report of Modern Working Practices. She had the audience’s attention when she shared that most children in primary school today will end up in jobs that don’t even exist yet. Imagine that.

Another fact shared was that 2 million more aged 50 plus are in work now than in the last ten years - giving food for thought in how we embrace technology to attract, develop, retain and retrain different target segments.

We heard how treating staff well can help to gain a competitive edge. With review sites like Glassdoor, candidates will research whom they want to work for and no longer just opt for the higher paid role when considering two different offers.

Finally, in this session, we heard how flexible working would soon become ‘working’ as we continue to understand more about how flexibility promotes a happier and more productive workforce.

Flexible working continued

Interested in what others had to say on the topic of flexible working, we heard from Stuart Haden, Programme Manager at CIPD. He told how flexible working could help to attract talent, support diversity, improve job satisfaction, reduce absenteeism, support wellbeing and be agile and responsive to change. In a podcast from CIPD on this very topic, you can hear more about what steps are being taken to adopt flexible working and access the research on how the definition of flexible working is not yet clearly defined but is evolving.

Here is an abundance of research from CIPD that might just help you address the future of work and adapt to the changes ahead. There is research into flexible working and content for building the business case. Moreover, if you need any more reasons here are three more:

  1.  9 in 10 employees consider flexible working to be a key motivator to their productivity at work (89% – even more than financial incentives (77%)
  2.  81% of those who have access to remote working believes it increases their productivity
  3.  Higher levels of engagement, experienced by working flexibly, can reduce staff turnover by 87%. ^

Future recruitment - creating a successful e-recruitment strategy

Eploy took to the Talent, Skills and Capabilities stage to share a practical guide to succeeding with your e-recruitment strategy. In six steps the audience learnt how recruitment technology is an enabler and should fit your requirements, wants and needs, but it is the readiness of an organisation, team skills and capabilities that determine a successful and future proof recruitment strategy implementation.

Accompanying the presentation is a free e-book to develop your e-recruitment strategy

*CIPD People and Machines Research
^ CIPD Flexible working business case