- Dashboards & Analytics
Track and monitor agency spend and performance
By tracking Vendor activity, you’ll easily be able to see which of your Vendors are performing well, which are struggling, trends in Vendor usage along with Vendor spend and savings across the business.
- Dashboards & Analytics
Monitor agency spend
Recruitment Agency spend is one of the largest costs for many in house recruitment teams. Eploy ensures you always have visibility of how much you are spending when hiring through agencies.
- Dashboards & Analytics
Vendor performance dashboards
Eploy's Agency Portal is fully integrated with the Eploy platform, meaning you can create, update and share Agency performance dashboards and custom SLA reports.
- Dashboards & Analytics
Audit trail
Eploy gives you a full audit trail of vacancies and submitted candidates, so you'll always know which agency supplies which candidate, reducing disputes and freeing your time to spend with your ideal talent.
Explore the Eploy Talent Acquisition Platform
From request to recruit all the way to onboarding your next great hire.
Deliver the perfect recruitment journey for everyone with Eploy.