Interviews & Assessments

Simplify your hiring with scheduling and assessment tools to help evaluate candidates effectively. With Eploy, you can manage your interviews and collect feedback easily, allowing you to find the best talent quickly. 


Ensure Fairness in Talent Acquisition with Eploy's Interviews and Assessments


  • Candidate Assessments

Screening Forms

Create any number of screening forms to rule-out and rule-in candidate applications automatically.

  • Candidate Assessments

Situational Judgement Tests

You can even build and include SJTs in any of your vacancy workflows.

  • Candidate Assessments

Scoring and Grading

Flexible scoring and grading including Traffic Lights, Thumbs up, Grades and Star Ratings - rank candidates your way.

  • Candidate Assessments

Application Forms

Create and customise as many application forms as your vacancies require.

  • Candidate Assessments

Interview Evaluation Forms

Ensure consistent interview evaluations by creating standardised evaluation forms.

  • Candidate Assessments

View and Compare Applicants

Use an assessment form within a vacancy campaign and view and rank candidates on your terms.

  • Candidate Assessments

Send Forms By Email

Send candidates a unique link to the form, so they don't need to login to complete it.

  • Candidate Assessments

Assess Competencies

Create competency-based questions for your structured review and interview feedback forms. With Eploy, you can develop a series of competencies that Hiring Managers can use to evaluate candidates during the interview process. You can select which competencies to focus on, making it ideal for flexible roles while ensuring that candidates meet both essential and desirable criteria.

  • Candidate Assessments

AI Interview Questions

With Eploy's ChatGPT integration you can quickly get ideas for interview questions based on thhe job description of your vacancies.

Explore the Eploy Talent Acquisition Platform

From request to recruit all the way to onboarding your next great hire.

Deliver the perfect recruitment journey for everyone with Eploy.