Ping Identity

PingIdentity single sign-on (SSO) allows a user to sign on with one set of credentials and gain access to multiple applications and services - secure and simple access anywhere, anytime. Sign in to Eploy with your PingIdentity accounts.

Integrate your Eploy with PingIdentity

Single Sign On

About Ping Identity

One Secure Federated SSO Portal for All Apps

PingIdentity single sign-on (SSO) allows a user to sign on with one set of credentials and gain access to multiple applications and services - secure and simple access anywhere, anytime. SSO increases security and provides a better user experience for customers, employees and partners by reducing the number of required accounts/passwords for all the apps and services they need. Ping’s federated SSO solution is designed to integrate with a range of identity providers and third-party applications old and new, all while supporting current and past versions of identity standards like OAuth, OpenID Connect, SAML and WS-Federation.