Integrate your Eploy with Procius

Procius is the leading background screening and criminality checking company in the UK with proven experience across all sectors. We work in partnership with our clients to provide them with the employment screening they need to protect their business from fraud, theft, brand damage, loss of productivity, and many other damaging factors

Interested in this integration?

Background Checking

About Procius

Whether you’re exploring pre-employment background checking for the first time, or you’ve become disillusioned with your current provider, we’re here to help you make safe, informed hiring decisions every time, through our suite of best practice checks, which can be tailored to any sector.

Why check?

  • Avoid costly and regrettable hiring mistakes
  • Reduce recruitment, training and employment costs
  • Avoid brand damage caused by employee notoriety
  • Protect your employees, customers and stakeholders
  • Achieve best practice and maintain compliance

The benefits of using Procius

  • We’re a business with longevity and true pedigree in screening
  • We’re able to handle large volumes whilst maintaining speed and quality
  • Our MyCheck™ platform makes the service easy to integrate
  • You’ll find us to be a responsive and responsible partner