Wed Nov 18 2020

Be part of the 2020/2021 UK Candidate Attraction Survey

Eploy has launched the 2020 UK Candidate Attraction Survey in conjunction with HR Grapevine. Anyone who completes the survey will receive a copy of the extensive findings and can enter the prize draw to win £200 Amazon vouchers. FInd out more...


Eploy has launched the 2020 UK Candidate Attraction Survey in conjunction with HR Grapevine. Anyone who completes the survey will receive a copy of the extensive findings and

Now in its fifth year, the survey is open to both in-house and agency recruiters and seeks to understand and report back on challenges, trends and behaviours across the recruitment landscape, with the primary aim to identify the effectiveness of candidate sourcing channels. The report serves as groundwork for recruiters to benchmark themselves across the industry.

The last five years has seen the UK in-house recruitment market steadily grow each year; however, the COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented disruption.

In this survey, we want to find out the current state of business operations and understand which channels and techniques you are currently using.

Finding's from last year’s survey uncovered some interesting insights:

  • Candidate scarcity remained as the number one challenge for recruiters – a significant issue for Legal; Science & Pharma; Construction; Engineering and IT sectors in particular.
  • Advertising your salaries - affects quantity, not quality. Choosing not to advertise your salaries on your vacancies appears to have a negative effect on the number of applicants; however, the relative quality of applicants appears to remain the same.
  • In-house talent acquisition workflow is still reactive. With only 45% of organisations having an active talent pool nurturing strategy, in-house recruiters are still far more likely to seek new candidates rather than approach candidates they have talked with in the past.
  • Ability to measure sourcing channels remains low. There is little change in the ability of in-house recruitment teams to consistently measure and monitor the performance of the sourcing channels on which they rely. Around 35% of organisations constantly monitor sourcing channel performance - but one third don’t (or can’t) measure each channel.

It will be interesting to understand the level of changes and differences in the biggest candidate sourcing challenges and the most effective sourcing channels.

The UK Candidate Attraction Survey 2020/2021 is now open, and recruiters are invited to take part and rate each channel for the quantity and quality of candidates they generate. Once the survey closes, results are aggregated into ‘Sourcing Quadrants’ that then drill down into channels, sectors and sizes of organisation. All respondents will receive a copy of the extensive report findings.

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